Are you not entertained? Clearly not at Villa Park

Sometimes you're the car stuck on the tracks, sometimes you're the freight train barrelling towards it in football. It's a sport that just happens to you, you have no say or no control.

On this occasion, Aston Villa were stranded in the headlamps and Leicester were blaring their horns.

That's the situation here - and you're helpless. Helpless and gleeful in control, helpless and horrified when you're not. The key thread is that grasping helplessness backing desperate pleas or victorious roars from the crowd.

To say completely helpless is slightly false. Fans are a multiplier - an additional edge. Volatile atmospheres put fear in players, jubilant ones put a spring in their step. It doesn't guarantee a change in performances, but it does guarantee a spectacle.

Is that why we go to matches? Spend hundreds if not thousands following our teams? Do we go with a victory in mind? Do we go to claim some sort of stolen joy away from the oppression of a working week?

I'd love to know why some Villa fans go to matches - because based on what I've heard for a few weeks now, they clearly hate it.

If the situation in rows around where I sit/stand is replicated, I honestly can't see why people bother. The tactics are never right, the players never do enough, we don't score enough, we don't keep secure enough. I don't think I've actually heard many people genuinely enjoy a 90-minute match.

Don't get me wrong - criticism and difference in opinion lie in the very bedrock of fans, but I'm really struggling to enjoy my time at Villa Park for a match these days because some of the genuine vitriol that pours out of people.

Buendia isn't good enough, Martinez isn't good enough, Watkins isn't good enough, McGinn and Luiz aren't good enough, Cash isn't good enough. Everyone isn't good enough. Every mistake is ripped apart, every error pointed out. When Villa play out from the back, 'hoof it' is screamed. When they punt it and lose the header, exasperation rings out. A lad begged Ollie Watkins not to shoot - as he struck the ball into the net.  Truly, I don't think Villa can do right by many fans.

That's not to say you need to be a happy clapper, sit down - shut the fuck up - and enjoy some of the shite that is served up sometimes, no! It's just... if you're at breaking point, screaming at players who misplay a pass - what is in this for you?

Are people simply holding onto season tickets in fear of the waiting list? Do they bide their time in the hope that one day they are fuming because we've lost a Champions League match? Do we want to simply grow in anger until we win a cup or even title in a manner that isn't the most comfortable as winning every single game is?

Let me tell you one thing. We could win it all, chase down the top spot - and it might not be good enough for you if you're unhappy with every little tidbit of the mess that is Aston Villa FC on the occasional matchday.

Football is a rollercoaster. You're on the ride. If you want wish-fulfillment, read a comic book or watch a superhero movie.

On a final note

  • 4-2 down and Jhon Duran comes on. He didn't pull up trees, but he looks a tidy player and I can't wait to see more from him.
  • Villa can't always play it out from the back, but they will unlock chances when they get the hang of it. Patience. We're on a big journey once more.
  • I actually thought we were tidy in spells today. We set up for a big entertaining performance and got punched in the mouth by 'awful' Leicester City.
  • They aren't awful though - they're a good team in a poor position. We've been there.